A Steinberg Product Specialist combines with a natural musician and educator to give us Matthew Loel T. Hepworth - Cubase Specialist!
Matthew Loel T. Hepworth
By Martin Sitter

I met Matthew Loel T. Hepworth at winter NAMM, where he was working as a product specialist in the Steinberg booth. It quickly became apparent to me that Matthew was the perfect trainer for our new line of Steinberg tutorial videos … let me tell you a bit more about Matthew.

Matthew Loel T. Hepworth was predisposed to be in music and the arts. His father was a professor of music and his mother is a well-known dance instructor - needless to say, the arts were very influential during his upbringing.

Later, Matthew developed an interest in computers. In 1984, he hooked a Prophet 5 to his Commodore 64 via MIDI with Steinberg’s Pro16 software … and he was hooked!

Since then, he’s become an accomplished musician playing a variety of instruments, including Bass Guitar and Theremin. You can catch Matthew playing both these instruments in a band called, ZenTherStick (www.zentherstick.com.) 

Matthew also works as an independent product specialist for Steinberg, Yamaha, and Tascam. He’s also deeply involved in professional video and photography. But his love of music keeps him busy with teaching, writing, mixing and mastering.
Courses by Matthew Loel T. Hepworth
  • Cubase 103
    Mixing and Mastering
    Steinberg's Cubase has everything for your mixing and mastering needs! Join Cubase expert Matthew Loel T. Hepworth in this course and get ready to bring your mixing and mastering skills to the next level!
  • Cubase 102
    Recording and Editing
    Now that you know the fundamentals of using Steinberg's Cubase, you're ready to learn about recording and editing audio and MIDI data. Join Cubase Product Specialist Matthew L.T. Hepworth as he reveals how it's done in this 2-hour course!
  • Cubase 101
    Beginners Guide to Cubase
    Join our Steinberg Product specialist Matt Loel T. Hepworth with this in-depth Beginners Guide! Watch this info-packed course now, and learn Cubase from the ground up!
  • Wavelab 10 101
    Mastering Workflows
    Steinberg's WaveLab is one of the most powerful mastering and audio editing software on the market. Learn how to use this one-stop mastering solution in this 30-tutorial course by our Steinberg specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth.
  • Ozone 9 101
    Ozone 9 Mastering Toolbox
    iZotope's Ozone 9 is here! Learn this powerful mastering software in this 36 tutorial course by expert trainer Matt Hepworth... and discover the future of mastering!
  • Cubase 10 105
    Mastering Essentials
    Steinberg's Cubase 10 offers all the tools you need to create professional-sounding masters! Join Steinberg Product specialist Matt Hepworth in this course, and learn the art & craft of mastering with Cubase.
  • Cubase 10 104
    Mixing and Automation
    How do you get the perfect mix with Steinberg Cubase 10? See and hear how it's done in this 2-hour + course by Cubase Product Specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth
  • Cubase 10 103
    Audio Recording and Editing
    Steinberg's Cubase 10 offers powerful tools for recording and editing audio. Join our Cubase guru Matthew T. Hepworth in this course, and get ready to master the audio side of this amazing DAW!
  • Cubase 10 102
    MIDI Recording and Editing
    Steinberg's Cubase comes with an essential set of MIDI tools that all Cubase producers must learn! Watch this 29 video course, by Cubase specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth, to unleash your own MIDI power and creativity.
  • Cubase 10 101
    The Beginner's Guide to Cubase
    Steinberg's Cubase 10 is powerful, deep and complex. Learn all the fundamentals in this Beginner's Guide by the best Cubase teacher on the planet: Matthew Loel T. Hepworth.
  • Ask.Video Cubase Lab (Winter 2018)
    The Cubase Lab With Matthew Hepworth
    Cubase was one of the first DAWs on the market 30 years ago, and it remains one of the best to this day. But great audio software like Cubase is also very deep and complex. This course is a collection of 1-hour weekly lab recordings with Steinberg Product Specialist Matthew Hepworth. It's FREE - for Ask.Video and macProVideo members only ...
  • Cubase 9.5 101
    Cubase 9.5 Explored
    Steinberg's Cubase 9.5 is here! Explore all the new features and improvements in this 21-tutorial course by product specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth.
  • Cubase 9 201
    HALion Sonic SE Revealed
    Many Cubase users are unaware of how powerful Steinberg's HALion Sonic SE really is. But they will ... after watching this course by Steinberg Product Specialist, Matthew Loel T. Hepworth!
  • Ozone 8 101
    Mastering Toolbox
    iZotope Ozone 8 is here, and so is this in-depth Mastering Toolbox by our expert trainer Matt Hepworth. Watch this course now and learn all features and modules of this invaluable mastering suite!
  • iZotope RX 6 101
    Musician's Toolbox
    Today's musicians record their music anywhere and everywhere... but not always in the best conditions. In this in-action course, audio expert and musician Matt Hepworth explains how to use the standard version of iZotope RX 6 to fix all kinds of common audio issues.
  • Cubase 9 101
    Absolute Beginner's Guide
    Steinberg's Cubase 9 is here! Whether you're a complete beginner or you simply want to refresh your Cubase skills, this comprehensive 39-tutorial course is specifically designed to get you recording and editing music in Cubase quickly and easily.
  • Cubase 9 100
    What's New in Cubase 9
    Cubase 9 is here, and the developers at Steinberg have filled it with all kinds of new features. Join Cubase expert Matt Hepworth to see what the excitement is all about. Watch "What's New" in Cubase 9 now!
  • WaveLab 9 101
    Absolute Beginner's Guide
    Join Steinberg expert Matt Hepworth in this 30-tutorial Absolute Beginner's Guide and see all of the mastering power infused into this incredible audio platform. Learn Wavelab 9 now!
  • Audio Mastering with WaveLab
    Mastering WaveLab With Matt Hepworth
    A live lecture showcasing advanced topics in Mastering with WaveLab.
  • Cubase 8.5
    20+ Hot New Features
    Cubase 8.5 is here and so is specialist Matt Hepworth to take you through 20-plus of his favorite new features. So whether you're upgrading or starting anew, this course will get you up-to-date with all the cool new stuff!
  • Ozone 7 101
    Mastering Toolbox
    Ozone 7 is here and it's got all kinds of new modules to learn and explore. See the new vintage processors and catchup on all the new features as explained by expert trainer Matt Hepworth.
  • iZotope RX 5
    Audio Repair for Musicians
    Grounding issues. AC noise. Amp buzz. Vocal pops. Clip distortion. These are issues that recording musicians deal with every day. Learn how to make imperfect audio, sound perfectly awesome in this iZotope RX 5 course.
  • Cubase 8 102
    Songwriters/Musicians Toolbox
    This musician-focused Cubase 8 course is designed to help you generate ideas and get them into Cubase as fast as possible. Take a ride with Matt Hepworth as he shows you all the cool inroads for making music with Cubase!
  • Cubase 8 101
    Moving Forward With Cubase 8
    With so many new features, Cubase 8 is perhaps THE most complete DAW on the planet. See what all the buzz is about in this deep, 37-tutorial course by Cubase wizard Matt Hepworth.
  • Premiere Pro CC 102
    Editing Your Footage
    Now that you've got all your footage, it's time to put it all together. Watch this course and learn how to quickly edit and share your video footage in Adobe Premiere Pro CC!
  • iZotope Ozone 6.1
    Mastering Toolbox
    iZotope's Ozone 6.1 is a formidable mastering tool packed with every kind of processor you need to master any kind of track. This course, filled with musical examples is the best way to learn Ozone. Master like a pro!
  • iZotope RX 4
    Audio Repair Toolbox 2
    iZotope's RX 4 is here and so is audio expert Matt Hepworth to show you how this re-imagined RX works! Learn all about RX 4's new audio restoration, forensic and enhancement technologies in this comprehensive 4+ hour course!
  • Premiere Pro CC 101
    Introduction to Premiere Pro
    Premiere Pro CC is Adobe's high-end video editing software. This 25-tutorial introductory course by Matt Hepworth will get you up-to-speed and editing your first project fast!
  • iZotope Alloy 2
    Mixer's Toolbox
    Our iZotope Alloy 2 course is here and it's amazing! Join trainer Matt Hepworth and learn how adding this impressive channel-strip technology to your audio toolbox will make your mixes stand out and deliver!
  • Cubase 7.5 302
    Mastering Toolbox
    Steinberg Product specialist Matt Hepworth has assembled the best Cubase mastering course ever created. Get all the tools and techniques you need to make your tracks sound professionally mastered in this 33-tutorial, 2+ hour course.
  • Cubase 7.5 301
    Mixing Toolbox
    Steinberg's Cubase 7.5 is a mixer's and remixer's playground. Join Cubase product specialist Matt Hepworth, as he takes you through all the tools and techniques jammed into Cubase's extensive Mixing Toolbox!
  • Cubase 7.5 101
    Introducing Cubase 7.5
    Steinberg's Cubase 7.5 is here and so is product specialist Matt Hepworth with his 32-tutorial course to show you how to implement all of the new features, tools and plugins. There's no better way to learn Cubase. Check it out!
  • iZotope Nectar 2
    Vocal Production Toolbox
    Produce stunning sounding vocals, VOs and special FX with iZotope's powerful Nectar 2 plugin. This 44-tutorial course – designed by Matt Hepworth – is filled with tons of tips and tricks that'll take your vocal tracks to the next level!
  • iZotope RX 3
    Audio Repair Toolbox
    This 43-video in-depth course, by audio expert Matt Hepworth, offers a comprehensive look at iZotope's RX 3's arsenal of audio restoration modules. You learn about their functionality and – with an abundance of real-world audio examples – you get to see these modules in action. There is no better way to learn about audio and the RX 3!
  • Cubase 7 201
    Advanced MIDI Toolbox
    Cubase's MIDI implementation is deep and powerful. Learn it all - and become a MIDI master - with expert step-by-step instruction in this 46-tutorial course by the eminent expert of all things Cubase, Matthew Hepworth...
  • Cubase 7 103
    Engineers/Producers Toolbox
    As a producer and engineer, you need to learn how to harness Cubase 7's array of production tools. In this course, you learn how to track everything from drums to vocals as Matt brings you into the studio and records an original track from start to finish.
  • Cubase 7 102
    Songwriters/Musicians Toolbox
    Just want to get your tracks down fast without wrestling with the software? Learn Cubase 7-from the composer & songwriter perspective-in this making music-focused course by Cubase product specialist Matt Hepworth...
  • Cubase 7 101
    Moving Forward with Cubase 7
    Calling all Cubase users: Cubase 7 is here, and Matt Hepworth, our in-house Cubase expert has been hard at work exploring every line of code! Master all the powerful new features in this new and powerful version of this popular DAW...
  • WaveLab 103
    Analysis, Tools & Master Section
    Audio expert Matthew Loel T. Hepworth is back and exploring WaveLab 7's fantastic collection of Analysis and Mastering tools. Learn Steinberg's WaveLab and brush up on your Mastering techniques all at the same time in this powerfully informative course...
  • WaveLab 102
    The Audio File Workspace: Editing and Metering
    Join WaveLab Specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth in the first course of his in-depth two-part series about editing and mastering audio using WaveLab 7. You're about to witness first-hand how this great software can make your audio sing and dance!
  • Cubase 6.5
    New Features In Cubase 6.5
    64 bit Cubase 6.5 is here with its new synths: Retrologue and Padshop. There's also a new Comping tool and some very cool new effects plugins. So join Cubase "Commander" Matthew Loel T. Hepworth, your captain on flight Cubase 6.5, to learn what's new...
  • WaveLab 101
    Introduction To Mastering
    Steinberg's WaveLab is a full-featured audio editor, restoration and mastering tool that every musician and engineer must have in their audio toolbox. Find out how Matt Hepworth uses it to master his tracks in this fact-filled 24-video tutorial...
  • Cubase 6 106
    FX, EQ, Automation and Mixing
    Learn to mix your tunes in Cubase 6 using FX, EQ and Automation in this production masterpiece by Matthew Loel T. Hepworth...
  • Cubase 6 105
    Working With Audio
    Want to record audio in Cubase? Let Matt Hepworth show you everything you need to know about Working With Audio in Cubase 6...
  • Cubase 6 104
    Working With MIDI
    Cubase is one powerful MIDI machine! Harness that power by joining Cubase Master-of-the-Universe, Matt Hepworth, as he explores Cubase 6's world of killer MIDI tools and awesome MIDI functions...
  • Cubase 6 103
    Production Basics
    Now that you've mastered the "Fundamentals" of Cubase it's time to start producing music! This tutorial by Matt Hepworth explores all the need-to-knows techniques required to start you on your way to producing tracks in Steinberg's Cubase 6...
  • Cubase 6 102
    Exploring the Fundamentals
    So now that you've been through our Cubase Quick Start guide where do you go next? This tutorial, Exploring the Fundamentals, by Cubase product specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth will give you the strong foundation you need to produce hot tracks the Cubase way!
  • Cubase 6 101
    Quick Start
    Steinberg's new Cubase 6 is packed with all kinds of great features and performance enhancements. This Quick Start tutorial by Cubase product specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth is designed to get you up-and-running and producing tracks fast .
  • Cubase 6 100
    What's New In Cubase 6
    Cubase 6 offers some amazing new features to Steinberg's iconic DAW.  This FREE First Look Tutorial-Video will show you many of Cubase 6's coolest new tools & abilities.
  • Cubase 6 303
    Cubase TNT Tips and Tricks 1
    Over 6 hours of Cubase Tips and Tricks, secrets and workflow inspirations - by Matthew Loel T. Hepworth - Steinberg's Cubase Product Expert!
  • Cubase 5 401
    Mastering in Cubase
    Make your music productions sound professional and ready for broadcast and distribution!
  • Cubase 101
    Core Cubase
    Cubase was one of the original DAWs. Starting on a single 1.4 MB floppy disk in 1990, Cubase has grown to become the only digital audio production program you need to create amazing music.
  • Cubase 5 First Look
    Overview of Cubase 5
    Get a glimpse at the amazing features of Cubase 5 - It's FREE!
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