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How does this work? provides an intuitive web-based video player that streams each tutorial through your web browser. One low monthly or yearly fee gives you full access to the Online Tutorial Library. Courses can also be streamed via iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept MasterCard, Visa and PayPal. PayPal allows you to use your PayPal account, additional cards or your bank account.
Am I locked into a contract?
You may cancel your automatic billing at any time with no penalty or extra fee. There are no contracts or long-term agreements.
What is the benefit of the Learning Tools?
If you are a subscribed member, you get access to our full featured Player technology! This includes our Learning Tools, which include the ability to take notes, write quizzes, bookmark tutorials, and more.
Are your services secure?
Yes! All of your personal information is sent over a secure industry-leading SSL connection powered by Thawte. Your information is safe and secure.
Can I download courses for offline viewing?
The monthly and yearly plans allow for streaming access only. You will need to have internet connectivity at all times in order the watch the tutorials.
Have questions? Feel free to send us a message at Support and we'll help you out!
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