Garageband 08 101
Core Garageband 08
Genre: Audio
  • 93 Videos
  • 3h 47m
Express your musical vision with the most popular audio editor in the world!
Paul is a master of Propellerhead Reason, with over four years of experience teaching the app. He is also a traveling presenter with Apple, teaching and demoing GarageBand and Logic to audiences across North America.
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Status: Available
GarageBand is the audio editing application that comes free with most new Mac computers. But don't let its price fool you, GarageBand is a full fledged audio recording and editing application!

In 4 entertaining hours of tutorial-videos, watch as Paul Garay shows you how to record and arrange a song in GarageBand. While introducing you to common workflow techniques for music production, Paul actually walk's you through the process of creating a song from the ground-up. You'll learn how to record vocals, edit recorded audio, apply DSP effects, and add automation to provide your song with ambience that evolves over time.

Making music shouldn't be a solitary endeavor, and if you're like most bands, you work with other artists. Paul shows you how to record multiple instruments at one time, and even gets a friend to play along for his track! The bottom line is, you'll see how GarageBand is used in every-day recording situations.

This tutorial provides hard-won recording tips & tricks from a musician with long experience in the recording studio. Using a classic style of delivery, Paul brings the viewer into the video ... it's like having your best friend teach you how to make songs with GarageBand.

For more information about this tutorial and it's contents, check-out the Table of Contents below:
Section 1: Workspace Overview
Section 2: Working With Tracks
Section 3: Software Instruments
Section 4: Working With MIDI
Section 5: Recording MIDI
Section 6: Editing MIDI Recordings
Section 7: Recording Audio
Section 8: Editing Audio Recordings
Section 9: Using Apple Loops
Section 10: Creating An Arrangement
Section 11: Automation
Section 12: Finishing The Mix
Section 13: Magic GarageBand
Section 14: Finishing Up
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