Motion 201
Advanced Motion 2
Genre: Video
  • 85 Videos
  • 4h 7m
Particle systems, behaviors, generators, and advanced effects in Motion 2!
Jamie McCallister has knowledge and experience that surpases most people in this industry. Based in London (UK), Jamie teaches and supports high-end clients around the world, including the BBC, Granada, MPC, Sony Pictures, and Apple themselves.
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Status: Available
This program contains over 4 hours of pro-level Motion instruction from industry recognized video expert Jamie McCallister. Building on the foundation contained in Motion 101: Mastering Motion 2, Jamie delves into the deep secrets of using Motion 2.

The program starts with a detailed explanation of how to use text to for title sequences and other creative displays - don't forget, text is the main way to visually impart information to your viewers, and understanding how text works in Motion is a mandatory skill!

The program moves on to explore behaviors and particle systems which let you create complex visual displays in a matter of minutes. You'll also learn how to animate and keyframe all of these creative effects, allowing your motion videos to change over time in wild and imaginative ways.

For a full list of the program's contents, see the table of contents below ...
Section 1: Filter Order
Section 2: Kaleidoscope Filter
Section 3: Behaviors Example
Section 4: Generators
Section 5: Creating Particles
Section 6: Creative Text
Section 7: Text Behaviors
Section 8: Keyframe Interpolation
Section 9: Markers
Section 10: Menus
Section 11: Preferences
Section 12: Favorites
Section 13: Keying Filters
Section 14: Parameter Behaviors
Section 15: Particles Range Examples
Section 16: Advanced Particles
Section 17: Cool Text
Section 18: 3D Text
Section 19: Advanced Replicators
Section 20: 32bit Floating Point Rendering
Section 21: Masks in Keying
Section 22: Global Motion Blur
Section 23: Creating Mattes for FCP
Section 24: Using Gestures
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