Cubase 6 100
What's New In Cubase 6
Genre: Audio
  • 10 Videos
  • 43m 0s
Cubase 6 offers some amazing new features to Steinberg's iconic DAW.  This FREE First Look Tutorial-Video will show you many of Cubase 6's coolest new tools & abilities.
A Steinberg Product Specialist combines with a natural musician and educator to give us Matthew Loel T. Hepworth - Cubase Specialist!
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Status: Available
In this Cubase 6 First Look tutorial, Matthew Loel T. Hepworth ('s Star Cubase Trainer) shows you all the awesome new audio features in Cubase 6. You'll explore features like Multi-track Audio Quantization, Audio Tempo Detection, and Drum Replacement.

Next, Matt demonstrates the many refinements that have been made to the LoopMash and Groove Agent plug-ins that allow them to work together seamlessly. You'll see & hear how the new plug-ins (like the VST Amp Rack guitar processor and HALion Sonic SE synthesizer workstation) work seamlessly with this incredible DAW to make pro sound. 

When it comes to the HALion Sonic SE synthesizer, you'll get a solid exploration of the world's first Note Expression compatible virtual instrument while getting a look into the future of MIDI with note-based continuous controllers like pitch bend and expression. Other chapters will go over 64-bit native mode, the new Comping feature, background grid adjustment, and Standard MIDI File and General MIDI operation.
Whether you're upgrading from a previous version of Cubase or a new user looking to see what Cubase 6 offers, this "Cubase 6 First Look" from is a must-have tutorial!
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