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Cubasis 2 101 - Make a Track in Cubasis.
Get a mark of 80% or higher to pass this quiz!
  • 1

    How many instruments come with Cubasis?

  • 2

    Which command cleans up automation points?

  • 3

    How do you interact with MIDI notes?

  • 4

    Can Cubasis accept external MIDI input?

  • 5

    Can Cubasis export audio stems?

  • 6

    How many faders can be moved at once?

  • 7

    How do you copy and paste?

  • 8

    Does Cubasis run on iPhone?

  • 9

    How do you choose a section of a loop?

  • 10

    Is Cubasis a 64-bit app?

  • 11

    How many effect formats are available?

  • 12

    How many ways are there to set the tempo?

  • 13

    How many stretching modes are there?

Cubasis 2 101
Make a Track in Cubasis
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