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EastWest 103 - EastWest 103: Tools for Film, TV & Games.
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  • 1

    What does ‘SUS 6' mean in a string ensemble?

  • 2

    Which controller assignments are unique to SD3?

  • 3

    What does ‘DXF' stand for?

  • 4

    What does ‘Legato MOD' do exactly?

  • 5

    What are the different mic positions in the EWQLSO?

  • 6

    What are the main singers of Symphonic Choir?

  • 7

    What library folders are common to each instrument in EWQLSO?

  • 8

    Which controllers does the EWHS like to see the most?

  • 9

    What is portamento?

  • 10

    What is WordBuilder?

  • 11

    What is an example of a brass effect?

  • 12

    What is the difference between MIDI multis of SD2 and the performances of SD3?

  • 13

    Why would you create a separate lane for key switches?

  • 14

    What is another name for ‘Tam Tam"?

  • 15

    Why does the Powerful System have its own folder?

  • 16

    What 3 countries provide Silk with its sounds?

  • 17

    What is a special way that the Play engine can speed up load times?

  • 18

    How do the timpani libraries make rolls easier?

  • 19

    What purpose do the Goliath instruments primarily serve?

  • 20

    What is the difference between a slur and portamento?

  • 21

    Why would you use a script sim?

  • 22

    What is David's favorite instrument from the Gypsy library?

  • 23

    What is Bisbigliando?

  • 24

    What category is the Harp under?

  • 25

    How many mic positions were used to create the Stormdrum 3 library?

EastWest 103
EastWest 103: Tools for Film, TV & Games
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