Flash CS4 101
Core Flash CS4
Genre: Web
  • 163 Videos
  • 6h 36m
Watch as pro-educators & technical authors Robert Reinhardt & Snow Dowd show you important workflow techniques for Flash CS4.
Robert & Snow have written over a dozen books about Adobe Flash.
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  • Web
  • Flash
  • Flash CS4 101: Core Flash CS4
Status: Available
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Flash CS4 is undoubtedly the industry-standard, web-graphics application. With its incredible vector graphics, high-quality video, and detailed scripting language, Flash provides a powerful platform for putting your artistic vision or marketing messages onto the web.

If you're creating the intro animation for a web site, interactive banner ads, or distributing Flash video over the web, you need to watch this video! In over 6-hours of training, you'll learn how to create and optimize graphics for the web, add sound and video to your Flash presentations, and use basic action-script to add interactivity to your Flash CS 4 creations.

This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch it all. Use the search functions and detailed menus to quickly find important topics - that's the essence of Nonlinear Educating using N.E.D.!
Section 1: Interface Fundamentals
Section 2: Introduction to Publishing and Managing Flash Movies
Section 3: Drawing in Flash
Section 4: Modifying Graphics
Section 5: Working with Text
Section 6: Importing Artwork
Section 7: Symbols, Instances, and the Library
Section 8: Timeline Animation
Section 9: Object-Based Motion Tweens
Section 10: 3D and IK Tools
Section 11: Adding Sound
Section 12: Working with Flash Video
Section 13: Introduction to ActionScript and Components
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