iDVD 101
Mastering iDVD '06
Genre: Video
  • 103 Videos
  • 2h 33m
DVD is the main format for distributing video, and iDVD makes it extremely easy ... when you know a few tricks!
Francesco Schiavon is a recognized expert in the topic of digital media deployment for web and optical disc. A dedicated educator, Francesco has spent the last decade teaching in some of Canada's leading multimedia schools.
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Status: Available
This version of Mastering iDVD covers iDVD '06

iDVD has grown through the last few years to become the predominant authoring tool for people looking to quickly create engaging, interactive DVDs. Once you understand how iDVD works, you can create discs that would be at home on the shelves of Blockbuster as they are on the bookcase beside Grandma's TV.

This program takes you through every aspect of using iDVD, which is a startlingly capable DVD-Authoring tool! Wether you're capturing video directly from your camera into iDVD, or starting with pre-edited digital video streams, you'll learn valuable tips, tricks, and techniques to make your video look as good as possible, DVD after DVD.

Of course, a DVD without interactivity is not much more than a high quality VHS tape. A big part of any DVD is the interactivity you build into it. Francesco covers this area in detail, demonstrating how to use Templates to quickly create interactivity, and also how to create your own custome menus using images or videos created in other multimedia applications.

There's a lot of info covered in this course. To get a good feel for what you'll learn, check out the Table of Contents below!
Section 1: iDVD Overview - See The Whole Process
Section 2: Starting New Projects - Where To Start
Section 3: Magic iDVD - Let iDVD Help You
Section 4: OneStep DVD - From Your Camera To A DVD
Section 5: OneStep DVD - From A Movie File To A DVD
Section 6: Working With Themes - Applying A Style To Your Menus
Section 7: Working With menu Backgrounds - Customize Your Menus
Section 8: Menu Backgrounds - Customize Your Menus; Advanced
Section 9: Using Drop Zones - Apply Your Media To Your Menus
Section 10: Submenus - Organize Your Content
Section 11: Working With Buttons - Adding Links To Your Menus
Section 12: Slide Shows - Present Your Still Images
Section 13: Working With Movies
Section 14: Advanced Topics - A Bit Of Everything
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