iMovie 101
Mastering iMovie '06
Genre: Video
  • 65 Videos
  • 2h 52m
iMovie is more than just a video editing program, it's the new-school tool for telling stories, and everyone can use it, because it now comes on every Mac!
Francesco Schiavon is a recognized expert in the topic of digital media deployment for web and optical disc. A dedicated educator, Francesco has spent the last decade teaching in some of Canada's leading multimedia schools.
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Status: Available
iMovie is quickly revolutionizing the way people tell stories. Whether you're editing videos of the kids to send to Grandma, or creating engaging documentaries and short films, you're telling the story of your life, and iMovie is the perfect tool!

Produced by Media Deployment guru Francesco Schiavon, this program provides valuable tips and tricks for capturing, editing, and outputting video using Apple iMovie.

This series of videos uses's proprietary video display technology, called "NED" (the Nonlinear Educating Device). A dramatic step forward in software education, NED lets you search videos using keywords, present tutorials to audiences in fullscreen mode, and even scale videos on-the-fly so you can follow along with your copy of iMovie while watching the tutorials.

More than just a basic course in video editing, you'll also learn advanced topics such as streaming video into iMovie in realtime, outputing video podcasts with embedded URLs, and round-tripping between iMovie and GarageBand to sweeten your sound.

For a full list of topics, check out the Table of contents below:
Section 1: C1: iMovie Overview
Section 2: C2: Creating New Projects
Section 3: C3: Capturing Video
Section 4: C4: Editing In iMovie
Section 5: C5: Working With Sound
Section 6: C6: Sharing Your iMovie
Section 7: C7: File Management
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