VocalSynth 2 101
VocalSynth Explained and Explored
Genre: Audio
  • 26 Videos
  • 57m 0s
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iZotope's VocalSynth 2 is here and so is our star trainer Rishabh Rajan to explain you how this cool new plugin works! Check out VocalSynth 2 here and see what it can do for you!
Rishabh Rajan is an award winning composer, producer, songwriter, synthesist, sound designer and Logic Pro expert currently living and teaching in New York...
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iZotope's been working hard on their new version of VocalSynth and now that's it arrived, we're excited to have master synthesist and instructor Rishabh explain it all to you.

VocalSynth is equipped with 5 different vocal processors:


Each one has its unique controls and all 5 are available for simultaneous processing. This creates some amazing complex vocal-like effects and can get confusing if you don't know what you're doing! That's where synth expert Rishabh Rajan steps in to shine his knowledge light on the these synthesis modules and chase away the unknowns!

VocalSynth also has 7 modular audio processing modules that can be patched (reordered) any way you want. Each of these has its own set of controls. There's also MIDI control, Advanced Views and a very cool sidechain mode. Oh my! So much to understand, here and that's exactly why we published this course.

So sit back and learn everything there is to know about iZotope's new VocalSynth 2! Soon you'll be creating some of the most original vocals sounds ever heard!
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