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VocalSynth 2 101 - VocalSynth Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    The Shift in Biovox is similar to what other effect?

  • 2

    How many vocal engines are in Vocal Synth?

  • 3

    How many visualizers are available in VocalSynth 2

  • 4

    Peter Drake used a Talkbox in the 1964 album Forever. True or false?

  • 5

    How many modes can VocalSynth run in?

  • 6

    Who developed the first Vocoder?

  • 7

    How many effects are available in the Effects section of Vocal Synth 2?

  • 8

    The Bytes control adds digital aliasing artifacts. True or false?

  • 9

    In SideChain mode the internal synth of VocalSynth is replaced with audio coming in the SideChain input. True or false?

  • 10

    Polyvox is a Harmonizer with tonality controls like Formant and Character. True or false?

  • 11

    The Talkbox Advanced view is identical to which engine's Advanced view?

  • 12

    How many Oscillators are there in the Synth section in Biovox?

  • 13

    How many additional voices can be generated in the Voices tab?

  • 14

    Linear Predictive Coding is the technology behind Compuvox. True or false?

  • 15

    What two controls are available in the Bands section?

  • 16

    There is a built-in noise gate in the output section of Vocal Synth 2. True or false?

  • 17

    The Compuvox Advanced view is identical to which engine's Advanced view?

  • 18

    Which control on the Talkbox interface will add additional harmonics?

  • 19

    How many Register options are there in the Pitch Section?

  • 20

    The Polyvox Advanced view has a panner and a band pass filter. True or false?

  • 21

    How many modes can the Vocoder run in?

VocalSynth 2 101
VocalSynth Explained and Explored
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