Logic 102
Exploring The EXS24
Genre: Audio
  • 27 Videos
  • 1h 15m
David Dvorin, the former Manager of Educational Development for Apple's Pro Apps division, shows you how to get the most out of Logic's ESX24 Digital Sampler!
Formerly the Manager of Educational Development for Apple's Pro Apps division, David now works as a music professor at California State University, Chico. There are few Logic trainers in the world with the credentials and experience of David Dvorin ...
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Status: Available
The EXS24 is the workhorse sampler that sits at the base of many modern musical compositions. With it's ability to stream digital samples directly off your computer's hard drive, the EXS24 is an extremely powerful studio tool.

In this tutorial program, David Dvorin demonstrates essential ESX24 sampling skills including how to build your own custom EXS24 instruments. In fact, by the end of this tutorial you'll be able to confidently create realistic multi-sample instruments using zone and velocity mapping.

You'll also learn how to accurately trim and loop samples, how to simulate vibrato and use the EXS24's filter section to add realism, and how to import many popular sample libraries including Akai sample CDs and Giga Sampler libraries.

This tutorial provides you with the quick-way into Logic's ESX24 Sampler. If you're looking to to get the most out of the EXS24, this tutorial is a perfect jump-start.

For a detailed list of the topics this tutorial covers, check out the Table of Contents.
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