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OS X Yosemite 103 - OS X & iOS: Working Together.
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  • 1

    Which could be one way of telling you're browsing in private mode in Safari?

  • 2

    If you move an iCloud Drive file to the trash on your Mac, can you get it out of the trash in another Mac?

  • 3

    Where does the document browser for an iOS App defaults in iCloud Drive?

  • 4

    If you have a file just on your local storage device, would you be able to Handoff to iOS?

  • 5

    Can you create custom folders in iCloud Drive?

  • 6

    If you have a Handoff capable iOS device, and a non-Handoff capable Mac, can you use AirDrop to send files to each other?

  • 7

    How do you handoff an activity from the Mac to iOS if you're logged in to the iOS device?

  • 8

    How does iCloud work if you create something while you're offline?

  • 9

    When using the same iCloud account on multiple devices, can you force-open a tab on another device?

  • 10

    If you receive a call on your Mac, how do you transfer it over to your iPhone?

  • 11

    How can you tell if your Mac and iPhone (software & hardware) are capable of Instant Hotspot?

  • 12

    What happens if you save a file to your iCloud Drive when you're offline?

  • 13

    Can you move an iCloud Drive file to the trash using iOS, and then later get it out of the trash?

  • 14

    If you enable Safari in the iCloud system preference, your bookmarks and favorites will sync with your other iCloud enable devices. True or false?

  • 15

    It is possible to initiate an iPhone call from FaceTime. True or false?

  • 16

    On the Mac, what is the main interface to place and receive iPhone cellular calls?

  • 17

    If you have a Pages document on your local storage device, how can you make sure you can Handoff to an iOS device?

  • 18

    What is the main difference between iCloud syncing of data, and Handoff?

OS X Yosemite 103
OS X & iOS: Working Together
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