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Photoshop 302 - Photoshop For Video Editors.
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  • 1

    The shortcut to adjust your canvas size is

  • 2

    When importing your PSD into After Effects, to maintain the layers, you import the file as:

  • 3

    To adjust the layers in your PSD file in FCPX, which icon do you click on, that's on your footage?

  • 4

    To import your Photoshop layers into Media Composer, you need to select what, when importing?

  • 5

    You can select multiple layers at a time to group together. T/F?

  • 6

    Canvas size deals with the size of your image. T/F?

  • 7

    Which tool is the best for isolating elements in flattened images

  • 8

    The term that describes the space between lines of text is called?

  • 9

    Which is NOT a vector image format?

  • 10

    How many selection tools are there?

  • 11

    Panning and Zooming in on images in your NLE is more commonly referred to a the what effect?

  • 12

    What is the biggest benefit of using Photoshop as a video editor

  • 13

    To import your Photoshop layers into Premiere, you need to select what, when importing?

  • 14

    The Photoshop file extension is

  • 15

    To work with guides you must first turn on which feature?

  • 16

    You can find your Layer Styles in the menu located in which panel?

  • 17

    What tool do you use to adjust your text's justification?

  • 18

    What shortcut key is used to pan the canvas?

  • 19

    The shortcut to add a new layer is.

  • 20

    You have to create different file types for different NLE's. T/F?

Photoshop 302
Photoshop For Video Editors
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