Photoshop CS6 102
Selection & Masking Techniques
Genre: Graphics
  • 37 Videos
  • 1h 37m
Learn Photoshop CS6 from master educator, Dan Moughamian, as he reveals all the Photoshop CS6 Selection secrets in this 37-video tips-and-tricks rich course...
Author, Photographer and Pro Educator, Dan Moughamian is a master of Adobe Photoshop with over 15 years of experience. Dan also has years of experience working with Adobe production apps like Premiere Pro, After Effects and Encore...
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Status: Available
If you thought the marquee, lasso and magic wand tools were the only ways to make selections in Photoshop, you'll be very surprised to learn that these tools are only the "tip of the iceberg". Dan presents you with a wide range of creative options and techniques to help you accurately select everything from individual objects and colors to regions defined by other, more subtle selection criteria. Dan's thorough demonstrations give you a solid foundation on which to build your Photoshop pro skill set.

Another building block that Dan adds to your knowledge base is a solid grounding in Layer Masking and Alpha Channels. He shows you how to use Layer Masks to isolate and perfect your edits with surgical precision. At the same time, Dan expertly navigates through the multitude of possible options while you acquire real-world tips and tricks on how to create the most intricate selections and masks quickly and effectively.

Whether you are an experienced professional or an eager enthusiast, Dan has assembled a collection of tried and true techniques to apply to your Photoshop workflow. In this tutorial, you get the full benefit of both Dan's many years of professional photography experience combined with his extensive Photoshop knowledge. So sit back and be inspired by his deep expertise and beautiful images!

Be sure to immerse yourself in macProVideo's growing collection of basic and advanced courses to get the full MPV Photoshop CS6 experience!
Section 1: Marquee Tools and Selection Basics
Section 2: More Selection Tools
Section 3: Understanding Layer Masks
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