Pro Tools 503
Studio Series - Recording Drums
Genre: Audio
  • 29 Videos
  • 1h 59m
  • Quiz Available
Recording drums is not an easy task! Learn the skills and techniques needed to mic, record, and mix pro-sounding drums with Avid's Pro Tools in this advanced course, by audio engineer and Pro Tools expert Joshua Carney.
Josh Carney is an audio and mix engineer, producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist and, of course, an excellent trainer!
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Status: Available
Let's be honest, there's nothing like the sound of a well-recorded and mixed acoustic drum kit. But to get that pro-sounding drum sounds, you need to have very specific skills under your belt. This in-depth course by Logic guru Joshua Carney will give you all that knowledge!

First, Joshua gives an overview of the various ways to mic a drum kit. Using a vast range of microphones, he thoroughly explains and demonstrates all the essential miking techniques you need to master. In different mic shootouts, he reveals his favorite mics and techniques for recording each element of the kit.

Next, you dive into Pro Tools' Group recording and editing features. Joshua shows you how to record and edit perfect takes... You learn everything about mixing and processing drums, from EQing, gating and compressing the drum elements to replacing and layering drums and bus processing.

So join audio engineer expert Joshua Carney in this course, and learn everything about recording drums with Pro Tools!
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