Pro Tools 401
Mastering In Pro Tools
Genre: Audio
  • 65 Videos
  • 3h 53m
Produced by Multi-Grammy Award winning Mastering Engineer Phil Magnotti, this tutorial shows you how a world-class Mastering Engineer creates BIG sound ...
Phil Magnotti is a Multi-Grammy award winning Audio Engineer with over 25 years in the professional audio industry ...
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Status: Available
Given the deep-insider Mastering concepts and secrets revealed in this title, this tutorial is suitable for people working with any DAW, from Pro Tools, to Logic, Live, and beyond.

"Pro Tools 401: Mastering in Pro Tools" begins with an actual mix. Phil begins the tutorial by cleaning-up a mix and preparing it for the mastering process. Along the way you'll learn valuable skills like how to prepare and bounce stem files, and even how to properly calibrate your monitors so you know you're hearing the sound the way you should be!

Next, Phil takes you through a few of the indispensable tools he uses in his Mastering workflow. From there you'll move on to explore Peak Limiting, Dithering and Noise Shaping in full detail.

You've heard that compression is the center-piece of all audio mastering, but you've probably spent a lot of time wondering why. Wonder no longer, because Phil next takes you on a tour de force through the process of properly compressing the dynamic range of your master. You'll learn how to use standard and multiband compression, how to us Mid/Side compression, and a few other valuable tips like using de-essers and Dynamic EQ.

Towards the end of the program, Phil gets into the nitty-gritty of using Filters and EQ, analyzing signal flow and plugin chains, simulating the analog sound of tape, and then burning your final master disc.

This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch the entire show. Use the detailed menus and keyword search functions to quickly find topics of interest. For a full list of this tutorials topics, see the Table of Contents.

Although this tutorial was created in an earlier version of Pro Tools, the techniques and concepts covered in this collection of tutorial-videos are timeless and relevant to Pro Tools 10 and beyond.
Section 1: Section 1: Before Mastering
Section 2: Section 2: Setting Up to Master
Section 3: Section 3: EQ
Section 4: Section 4: Compression
Section 5: Section 5: Peak Limiting
Section 6: Section 6: Mulitband Compression
Section 7: Section 7: Mid/Side Compression
Section 8: Section 8: Putting it Together
Section 9: Section 9: Mastering
Section 10: Section 10: Comparing Masters
Section 11: Section 11: Creating a CD
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