Pro Tools 8 101
Core Pro Tools 8
Genre: Audio
  • 82 Videos
  • 5h 15m
With its most feature-packed update in years, Pro Tools now gives you a full recording studio in a box!
Scott Freiman is a renaissance man ... both an award winning musician and entrepreneur, Scott has a long history of composing and producing great music.
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Status: Available
Pro Tools is the industry standard for working with audio. Pro Tools has brought their MIDI capabilities up to par with other DAWs. In "Pro Tools 101: Core Pro Tools," Scott Freiman takes you through the basics of working with Pro Tools - from recording and editing audio to using the new MIDI editors.

You always learn something when you watch an expert use software ... even the most knowledgeable Pro Tools user will pick up scores of tips, tricks, and shortcuts while watching this tutorial.

If you always thought Pro Tools was only a recording application, this tutorial will quickly show you how useful the Pro Tools MIDI editing features can be! You'll learn valuable tricks for recording and editing MIDI to make original compositions without resorting to other applications like Sibelius (and if you do use Sibelius, be sure to check out our Sibelius 101: Core Sibelius tutorial).

But of course, it would not be Pro Tools if we didn't cover recording and editing audio itself. Scott covers everything you need to know to make great music. From recording like a pro to mixing, from adding DSP effects to automating those effects so they evolve through time ... this tutorial will help you get the most out of Pro Tools!

This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch the entire show. Use the comprehensive menus and keyword search features to quickly find topics of interest ... that's the essence of Nonlinear Educating!
Section 1: Section 1: Introduction to Pro Tools
Section 2: Section 2: Starting with Pro Tools
Section 3: Section 3: Introduction to Recording
Section 4: Section 4: Working With Tracks
Section 5: Section 5: Moving Around
Section 6: Section 6: Editing Tools and Modes
Section 7: Section 7: Introduction to MIDI
Section 8: Section 8: Deeper into MIDI
Section 9: Section 9: Editing MIDI
Section 10: Section 10: Mixing
Section 11: Section 11: Automation
Section 12: Section 12: Bouncing
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