Reason 4 101
Core Reason 4
Genre: Audio
  • 118 Videos
  • 5h 25m
Reason 4 is an amazing "studio in a box" ... watch a pro show you how it works!
Paul is a master of Propellerhead Reason, with over four years of experience teaching the app. He is also a traveling presenter with Apple, teaching and demoing GarageBand and Logic to audiences across North America.
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Status: Available
Propellerhead Reason was the first "Studio In A Box" to be come out, and it still makes waves to this day for being one of the must intuitive, easy to use, and FUN audio programs on the market. There's something about being able to create a custom rack and wire it up like your patching together an old analog synth that makes Reason a really rewarding program to use. This software is all about instant gratification, but you still need to know a few tricks to help you get the most out of it.

In this 5 hour tutorial program,'s star trainer Paul Garay demonstrates some incredible Reason 4 tips, tricks, and workflow techniques that will get you making music quickly. You'll learn how to create and patch together custom racks and then use Reason's sequencer to edit and automate MIDI data so your custom racks sing like a concert diva.

Paul also provides a solid overview of Reason 4's main synthesizers, including the NN-XT Advanced Sampler and the amazing new Thor Polysonic Synthesizer. Once you've created your sounds, see how reason's built in DSP effects can be used to enhance your sound. You'll also learn how to use Reason's M-Class Mastering Suite to put the finishing gloss on your songs.

This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch it all. Use the search functions and detailed menus to quickly find important topics - that's the essence of Nonlinear Educating using N.E.D.!

Check out the Table of Contents below to see all the topics this tutorial contains.
Section 1: Reason Overview
Section 2: The Redrum Computer
Section 3: The Subtractor Analog Synthesizer
Section 4: The Malstrom
Section 5: The Thor Polysonic Synthesizer
Section 6: The NN-19 Digital Sampler
Section 7: The NN-XT Advanced Sampler
Section 8: Working With Rex Files
Section 9: Using The Combinator
Section 10: Using The Sequencer
Section 11: Using Automation
Section 12: The ReGroove Mixer
Section 13: Using Rewire
Section 14: Pattern Sequencing
Section 15: Using Effects
Section 16: Creating A Mix
Section 17: Mastering Your Song
Section 18: Finishing Your Song
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