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Roland SP-404 MKII 101 - Roland SP-404 MKII Creative Sampling.
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  • 1

    What parameter changes can be recorded with Motion recording?

  • 2

    How many Auto Mark modes are in the Chop menu?

  • 3

    How many banks does each project contain?

  • 4

    True or False: The SP404mk2 doesn't send audio over USB

  • 5

    When does Resampling start?

  • 6

    How do you engage a ping-pong loop?

  • 7

    How many outputs show up when using the SP404mk2 as an audio interface with a DAW?

  • 8

    What buttons was pressed in this video to enabled Skipback Recording?

  • 9

    True or False: The SP404mk2 has a maximum sample time of 40 seconds per sample

  • 10

    How do you toggle the crossfader on and off?

  • 11

    How many EFX busses are in the EFX settings menu?

  • 12

    Is it possible to control the SP404mk2 effect parameters via MIDI?

  • 13

    What is the default quantization strength when first recording a pattern?

  • 14

    Is it possible to copy a pattern with only selected samples?

  • 15

    How do you access the Harmony effect?

  • 16

    Which of the three modes listed will allow you to change pitch and tempo at the same time?

  • 17

    True or False: The Envelope settings are applied to the sample before the loop is engaged

  • 18

    How do you change the EFX bus for either channel in DJ mode?

Roland SP-404 MKII 101
Roland SP-404 MKII Creative Sampling
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