Here’s a selection of’s most popular banner tutorial-videos:
  • 8. 8. Working with Color Solids
    3m 1s
    After Effects CC 301
    After Effects for Editors
    Now that you know your way around Adobe After Effects CC, you're ready to dig deeper. Learn essential workflows and techniques every editor should know in this 26-tutorial course by Adobe expert Kevin P McAuliffe.
  • 12. 12. Web Content Views
    3m 45s
    Digital Publishing Suite 101
    Making a Band App
    If you make music and art, Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite is the perfect solution to turn your original content into apps! Join trainer Iain Anderson in this 27-tutorial course and see how easy app-making can be!
  • 20. 20. Color Schemes with Perbang
    2m 10s
    Graphic Design 102
    The Art and Science of Color
    Color is power and its underlying concepts are the tools that graphic designers need to know! Watch this in-depth course, led by entertaining expert Mark Gatter, as he demystifies and explores the art and science of color, in all its vivid glory.
  • 70. 70. Notifications
    2m 49s
    For Dummies
    MacBook For Dummies
    Apple's MacBook gives you the power to work – and play – anywhere, anytime. Get ready to master your MacBook with this friendly – For Dummies – video training course led by Apple expert Scott Freiman.
  • 21. 21. Conclusion: Build a Banner
    8m 48s
    Flash CS6 102
    Creating Animation
    Flash is the industry standard solution for creating professional 2D animation. In this course Adobe expert Iain Anderson shows you how to create professional looking animation content in Adobe Flash CS6...
  • 9. 9. Notifications System Preferences - Alert Styles
    5m 41s
    Mac OS X (10.8) 101
    Mountain Lion
    Mac OS X 10.8, "Mountain Lion" is Apple's most advanced operating system to date! Let Mac OS expert, Francesco Schiavon, show you how to "tame" this powerful new OS and make it work for you!
  • 47. 47. Using Shapes as Layout Elements
    1m 13s
    iWeb 101
    Core iWeb '08
    Need a web page? If you have a Mac, iWeb is the perfect tool to create and publish engaging, interactive web pages.
  • 158. 158. Building a Clickable Web Banner with ActionScript 1.0/2.0
    4m 25s
    Flash CS4 101
    Core Flash CS4
    Watch as pro-educators & technical authors Robert Reinhardt & Snow Dowd show you important workflow techniques for Flash CS4.
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