Here’s a selection of’s most popular dice tutorial-videos:
  • 14. 14. Random
    8m 1s
    Bitwig Studio 201
    The Modulators Explored
    The new Modulators in Bitwig Studio 2 make it one of the most powerful and flexible DAWs anywhere. In this exclusive 26-tutorial course, Bitwig Certified Trainer Thavius Beck gives a detailed tour of these amazing new devices!
  • 28. 28. Understanding the Orb
    5m 3s
    Omnisphere 201
    Omnisphere 2 Xtreme
    Oh no...look out... Bill Burgess is back with an Xtreme look at Omnisphere 2! Bill doesn't play by the rules and this course is no exception. So hold on tight & get ready to learn the crazy sonics that makes O2 so darn cool.
  • 2. 2. Step Sequencing Audio with the Buffer Shuffler
    4m 51s
    Live 9 206
    Max For Live FX Explored
    Ableton Live comes jam-packed with a ton of factory Max FX and Plugins. What do they do? How do they work and how do you use them? Find out right now in this exploratory course by Gary Hiebner...
  • 24. 24. Slicing, Dicing, Cutting and Pasting
    8m 2s
    Reason 7 405
    Twisted Sound Design
    Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
  • 24. 24. Slicing, Dicing, Cutting and Pasting
    8m 2s
    Reason 6 405
    Twisted Sound Design
    Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
  • 15. 15. Smart Drums
    5m 33s
    GarageBand For iPad
    Exploring GarageBand For iPad
    Musician + iPad = a match made in multi-touch heaven! MPV trainer Rishabh Rajan is here to show you GarageBand in its iOS incarnation. So stretch your fingers and get ready for some touching musical moments...
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