Here’s a selection of’s most popular logging tutorial-videos:
  • 1. 1. Introduction
    1m 31s
    Final Cut Pro X 101
    Core Training: Clips: Import and Organize
    It all starts with getting your footage into Apple's FCPX! Learn the basics of importing and organizing your clips in with expert editor and instructor Michael Wohl.
  • 6. 6. Logging Footage
    4m 46s
    iMovie 102
    Story Telling and Editing
    Movie makers are, at their core, storytellers. In this iMovie course by Michael Wohl, you learn how to amp up YOUR storytelling technique using the new and powerful tools that come with Apple's iLife video editor: iMovie...
  • 23. 23. Working With Multiple Accounts
    4m 1s
    For Dummies
    MacBook For Dummies
    Apple's MacBook gives you the power to work – and play – anywhere, anytime. Get ready to master your MacBook with this friendly – For Dummies – video training course led by Apple expert Scott Freiman.
  • 46. 46. Logging Clips
    2m 42s
    Media Composer 6 101
    Organizing and Ingesting Media
    Beginning a new video project requires a good amount of an editor's time spent in pre-production mode. In these Avid Learning Partner tutorial-videos, Avid Certified Media Composer 6 trainer Jeff Greenberg shows you how to get your media properly organized and ingested to make your Media Composer experience fast and efficient...
  • 2. 2. About Blogging and WordPress
    6m 32s
    Web Design 102
    WordPress Basics
    Wordpress is "the" software for creating blog sites. Join expert trainer, Geoff Blake as he takes you through all the ins and outs of creating a "feature rich" Wordpress based website!
  • 9. 09. Navigating with Workspaces
    3m 55s
    Soundbooth 101
    Core Soundbooth
    Soundbooth is an amazing application for creating and mastering perfect movie soundtracks. This tutorial shows you important tips & tricks that let you hit the ground running with Soundbooth CS4.
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