Here’s a selection of’s most popular mclass tutorial-videos:
  • 19. 19. The Mclass Mastering Effects
    3m 0s
    Reason 8 106
    Mixing and FX Basics
    Reason comes with an incredible arsenal of effects. Watch this course and get a tour of each one with practical examples of what they can do to improve the sound of your tracks.
  • 26. 26. Mclass Compressor Basics
    6m 12s
    Reason 7 107
    Beat Design Basics
    Making solid beats is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. In this 33-video collection you'll work up a good sweat, as you develop a strong foundation in the art and science of building beats in Reason...
  • 7. 7. The MClass Compressor
    3m 9s
    Reason 7 402
    Reason's Mastering Toolbox
    Learn to master your Reason projects right in Reason! This tutorial by audio expert Mo Volans shows you how to use Reason's powerful, built-in mastering tools...
  • 14. 14. Using Compression on Vocals
    5m 6s
    Reason 7 404
    Recording and Producing Vocals
    When it comes to recording and editing vocal performances, Reason gives you limitless possibilities! Come along for the ride as Reason wizard Hollin Jones shows you how he creates platinum vocal tracks in Reason...
  • 14. 14. Using Compression on Vocals
    5m 6s
    Reason 6 404
    Recording and Producing Vocals
    When it comes to recording and editing vocal performances, Reason 6 gives you limitless possibilities! Come along for the ride as Reason wizard Hollin Jones shows you how he creates platinum vocal tracks in Reason 6...
  • 26. 26. Mclass Compressor Basics
    6m 12s
    Reason 6 107
    Beat Design Basics
    Making solid beats is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. In this 33-video collection you'll work up a good sweat as you develop a strong foundation in the art and science of building beats in Reason 6...
  • 7. 7. The MClass Compressor
    3m 9s
    Reason 6 402
    Reason's Mastering Toolbox
    Learn to master your Reason projects right in Reason 6! This tutorial by audio expert Mo Volans shows you how to use Reason's powerful, built-in mastering tools...
  • 109. 109. Using The Mclass Mastering Suite
    1m 53s
    Reason 4 101
    Core Reason 4
    Reason 4 is an amazing "studio in a box" ... watch a pro show you how it works!
  • 84. 84. Using The MClass Mastering Suite
    1m 58s
    Reason 101
    Mastering Reason
    Reason is an incredible "studio in a box," and with a few tips and tricks to show you the way, you can make incredible music with it.
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