Here’s a selection of’s most popular noisy tutorial-videos:
  • 12. 12. Removing Guitar Amp Hiss
    5m 55s
    iZotope RX 6 101
    Musician's Toolbox
    Today's musicians record their music anywhere and everywhere... but not always in the best conditions. In this in-action course, audio expert and musician Matt Hepworth explains how to use the standard version of iZotope RX 6 to fix all kinds of common audio issues.
  • 39. 39. Deconstructing Tone & Noise
    3m 58s
    iZotope RX 4
    Audio Repair Toolbox 2
    iZotope's RX 4 is here and so is audio expert Matt Hepworth to show you how this re-imagined RX works! Learn all about RX 4's new audio restoration, forensic and enhancement technologies in this comprehensive 4+ hour course!
  • 18. 18. De-Breathing De-Essing with Automation
    8m 57s
    Logic Pro X 305
    Voiceover Recording and Editing
    Learn the art of recording voiceovers! This course, by voiceover artist and Logic Pro expert Jonathan Slatter, explains how to record, edit, and produce the most fundamental instrument of all... the Human Voice.
  • 32. 32. Deconstructing Tonal and Noisy Elements
    3m 13s
    iZotope RX 3
    Audio Repair Toolbox
    This 43-video in-depth course, by audio expert Matt Hepworth, offers a comprehensive look at iZotope's RX 3's arsenal of audio restoration modules. You learn about their functionality and – with an abundance of real-world audio examples – you get to see these modules in action. There is no better way to learn about audio and the RX 3!
  • 27. 27. Monitoring Disk Activity
    2m 27s
    Mac OS X 101
    Mastering Your Mac
    Learn tips and tricks that will help you efficiently pilot your computer!
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