Here’s a selection of’s most popular redux tutorial-videos:
  • 7. More Filter Types
    7m 13s
    Ableton Live 12 301
    Roar and Meld Explored
    Meld and Roar are the latest groundbreaking additions to Ableton Live 12's vast collection of instruments and effects. Dive deep into these innovative devices in this comprehensive course led by Ableton Certified Trainer Rishabh Rajan!
  • 5. 5. Redux
    4m 18s
    Ableton Live FastTrack 206
    Live's Creative FX
    Ableton Live comes with lots of great-sounding and colorful effect devices. Get inspired as you watch this extremely focussed, Noah Pred FastTrack™ course on Live's collection of creative effects!
  • 9. 9. Layering with Redux
    5m 16s
    Ableton Live FastTrack 301
    Ableton Certified trainer Timo Preece is onboard to share his valuable workflows and production tips for Live's saturation and distortion FX. Learn how to harness the power of these FX in this 15-tutorial FastTrack™ in-action course.
  • 14. 14. Distortion
    3m 47s
    Serum 101
    Serum: Explored
    Inject your tracks with Serum... one of the coolest wavetable synths out there! See how this slick synth will immunize your tracks against those sickly, boring, sonic contagions that everybody else is using! "Doctor" Rishabh Rajan is here to inoculate you!
  • 7. 7. Glitch with Gate
    6m 42s
    Live 9 408
    Producing Glitch
    Chop it. Distort it. Stutter it. Then put it all back together again and make music. That's what Glitch music is all about. Join electronic musician Rishabh Rajan as he explains how to do Glitch in Ableton Live.
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