Here’s a selection of’s most popular engines tutorial-videos:
  • 2. Interface Overview
    2m 55s
    Ableton Live 301
    Roar and Meld Explored
    Meld and Roar are the latest groundbreaking additions to Ableton Live 12's vast collection of instruments and effects. Dive deep into these innovative devices in this comprehensive course led by Ableton Certified Trainer Rishabh Rajan!
  • 2. 2. Interface Overview
    2m 45s
    VocalSynth 2 101
    VocalSynth Explained and Explored
    iZotope's VocalSynth 2 is here and so is our star trainer Rishabh Rajan to explain you how this cool new plugin works! Check out VocalSynth 2 here and see what it can do for you!
  • 5. 5. Scanning & Managing Your Library
    3m 28s
    Komplete Kontrol 101
    Kontrol Explored
    Komplete Kontrol is a software & hardware solution for composing, performing and producing music with the Native Instruments collection of synths and samplers. This course by Matt Vanacoro explains how this technology will enhance your NI experience!
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