Mac OS 10 101
Core Snow Leopard
  • 88 Videos
  • 4h 43m
Learn Essential Mac OSX skills that will help you get the most out of your Apple computer.
Francesco Schiavon is a recognized expert in the topic of digital media deployment for web and optical disc. A dedicated educator, Francesco has spent the last decade teaching in some of Canada's leading multimedia schools.
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At the centre of every Apple computer sits the operating system that makes it possible to use these amazing machines. If you don't know how to get the most out of Mac OS 10, you are not using your computer to it's full potential.

In this 4-hour tutorial by Star trainer Francesco Schiavon, you'll learn essential skills that every mac user should know. If you've just switched to the Mac and are looking for a quick way to learn your new machine, or even if you're a long time Mac user that wants to delve deeper into the secrets of Mac OS, this tutorial is for you!

This tutorial starts by showing you how to work with files and applications on your computer. You'll learn how to work with finder windows to find and organize files, efficiently use the dock and application switcher to manage your apps, and how to use spotlight to sort through the massive amounts of files on your computer.

Once you've mastered file management, you'll move on to learn how to install software, deal with hung applications, use the dashboard and widgets, backup you files with Time Machine, and even burn CDS and DVDs directly from within Mac OS X.

There's a lot to learn in this title, but you don't need to watch the entire show. Use the detailed menus and keyword search fictions to quickly find items of interest. For a full list of this title's topics, see the table of contents.
Section 1: Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Section 2: Working with Finder Windows
Section 3: Section 3: Working with the Dock
Section 4: Section 4: The Application Switcher
Section 5: Section 5: Customizing Your Mac
Section 6: Section 6: Using Spotlight to Search Your Mac
Section 7: Section 7: Having Multiple Users on the Same Mac
Section 8: Section 8: Keeping Your Apple Software Up To Date
Section 9: Section 9: Using Applications
Section 10: Section 10: When Applications Hang
Section 11: Section 11: Installing Software
Section 12: Section 12: Dashboard
Section 13: Section 13: Using the Info Window
Section 14: Section 14: Time Machine
Section 15: Section 15: Burning Data CDs or DVDs
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