Reason 101
Mastering Reason
Genre: Audio
  • 93 Videos
  • 3h 12m
Reason is an incredible "studio in a box," and with a few tips and tricks to show you the way, you can make incredible music with it.
Paul is a master of Propellerhead Reason, with over four years of experience teaching the app. He is also a traveling presenter with Apple, teaching and demoing GarageBand and Logic to audiences across North America.
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Over the years, Propellerhead Reason has become one of the hottest audio applications on the market, and many top producers now use Reason for every step of their production process. You can easily make a full record using nothing more than Reason ... it's done every day, in studios all over the world.

Of course, there's a steep learning curve with any program as functional as Reason. You could take time to learn this incredible audio application through the school of hard knocks, or you can let an expert instructor with years of experience show you the way! Let me introduce you to Paul Garay ...

Paul begins this tutorial program by showing you how to configure Reason to work with your computer, audio interface, and MIDI controller, then moves on to explore the interface and set up the controls you'll use while working through the rest of the program.

Next follows a full exploration of Reason's awesome software instruments, including the Redrum drum computer, the Subtractor Analog Synthesizer, the Malstrom, the NN-19 Digital Sampler, and the NN-XT Advanced Sampler. These are the arrows in your sonic quiver, and you'll learn all you need to know to get incredible sounds out of them.

You'll also learn essential tips and tricks for sequencing notes to create an arrangement, before moving on to learn how to apply Reason's DSP effects to mix and master your songs.

If you are using Reason as a tone module, you'll be excited to watch the in-depth exploration of rewiring Reason into today's top audio production software, including Apple Logic and Digidesign Pro Tools.

For a full list of this tutorial program's contents, check out the table of contents below.
Section 1: Reason Overview
Section 2: The Redrum Computer
Section 3: Recording And Saving
Section 4: Subtractor Analog Synth
Section 5: The Malstrom
Section 6: The NN-19 Digital Sampler
Section 7: NN-XT Advanced Sampler
Section 8: Working with Rex Files
Section 9: Using the Combinator
Section 10: Using the Sequencer
Section 11: Using Rewire
Section 12: Pattern Sequencing
Section 13: Using Effects
Section 14: Creating A Mix
Section 15: Using Automation
Section 16: Mastering Your Song
Section 17: Finishing Your Song
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